Ikkokusenkin (一刻千金) is a Japanese idiom that reflects on the preciousness of each moment. Its mobility allows people to enjoy a cup of Sake when picnicking during nature festivals like Hanami (花 見), the cherry blossom festival. To emphasize the value of this Sake set, the handbag’s design exhibits a subtle touch of embroidery and handmade Kinsai (銀彩), gold painting technique.

Kin (gold) and Sai ( paint), Kinsai is a delicate technique in which refined fabrics are gold painted. Due to the added value in the garments, this technique is used mainly for the fabrication of Kimono.

Collaborator: Nakano Yoshito
Technique: Embroidery and Kinsai
Product: Sake set Handbag
Design: Daniela Villalobos
Year: 2018